Since I Met You, Let Me Tell You
My Wants For Love, Are Peaking Forth, And Forth
Things Are Becoming Different Each Day
And Memories Recurrent Each Day
I’m Brooding Now And Then In Partial Trance
And Loosing Concentrations, Thoughts Astray
You Might Not Have Yet Marked, But Let Me Tell
I’m Busy Often With No Work In Hand
My Daily Routines Are Now In Shambles
My Life Purports Now Only In Gambles
Now, I Don’t Know What Happens In Your Eyes
My Inner Most, But, Pines In Silent Cries
Who Knows, These Things Will Ever Change Or Not?
Fate Perplexes Me Midst These Truths Or Lies
You’re Dwindling In Your Own Logic An’ Scores
My Wants For Love Are Peaking Forth An’ Forth
It’s Midnight, Yet My Sleep Is Not In View
I’m Turning Obliquely: But Why, On Cue?
Why Every Longing, Turns To You Always?
Why Every Thing Is Old In Me; None New?
I’m Not Finding What Has Abruptly Changed
Why Things Have Widely Altered And Deranged?
Where Have I Erred, I Certainly Know Not
Or I Have Been By Some One Now Avenged?
You Did Nice Things To Me, Grateful Am I?
Were Full Of Love At Times, Grateful Am I?
Your Lectures Were Perfect: Inflicted Deeps
I’m Deeply Feeling: How Grateful Am I?
I Can’t Ever Compel: It’s, But, Sure As Death
But Wants For Love, Are Peaking Forth And Forth