Thoth Drew Pictures Of These Ideas Forming
Images In The Mind To Be Read As Pictorial
Reminders Travel In His Truth Space To Learn
The Language Of A Mystic Light Traveler
Today It Is Called Memory, A Shared Experience
Of Inner Light, Mnemonic Language Glyphs As
Still Resonators Of Meaning, Traveling Through
Energetic Monoliths To Find The
Meaning Of Language, Its Purpose In History
Of Consciousness -— The Symbols Like Micro-
Portals Which Dot The Dimensional Landscape
Like A Scroll In A Player Piano
The Scroll Of Thoth -— Re-Playing The Information
Stored In The Halls Of Amenti, Finding The Emerald
Tablet Of Hermes, A Radiant Mind-Glass Cut From
Clear Beryl With Only The Colouring Of