He Does Look A Big Macho Fellow
One Who Does Display Manly Pride
But To Those Who With Him Who Try To Do Business
He Tells Them The Wife Will Decide.

Broad Shouldered He Stands Over Two Metres
He Looks A Giant Beside His Tiny Wife
But She Is The Boss In Their Household
And She Is The Great Love Of His Life.
By Most Of Those Who Know Him Seen As A Wimp Of A Fellow
Though He Does Not See It As That Way
He Just Think His Woman Is Marvellous
And He Goes By What She Has To Say.
With A Son And Daughter Of Ten And Eleven
He Does Not Drink Alcohol Or Cigarettes Smoke
He Is A Good Man A Good Husband And Father
Though To Some He’s A Wimp Of A Bloke.
He Does Think His Wife Is Infallible
And Her With His Life He Would Defend
And She Never Talks Of Him As Her Husband
But As Of Her Soul Mate And Best Friend.
Francis Duggan