Some Of Them With The Departed And The Others Growing Old And Gray
Those That I Went To School With In The Long Gone Yesterday
From The Boys And Girls I Went To School With Many Years Before I Reached My Prime
I Am Separated By Distance And By Long Years Of Time.

Some Of Them Live Far Distant From Hibernia’s Windswept Shore
And From The Town In View Of Clara Hill Overlooking Claramore
And Some Of Them Remained In Duhallow Married And There Raised Their Family
And Some Of Them Remained Unattached Single And Fancy Free.
Most Of Those I Went To School With I Have Not Seen For Years
And For The Past And For What Has Been I’ve Shed Nostalgic Tears
Like Every Other Migrant For The Past Forever Gone
But The Present Is What Matters And We Keep On Keeping On.
Of Those I Went To School With Good Memories I Retain
Though Most Of Them I Realize I Will Never Meet Again
We’ve Gone Our Separate Ways In Life But Memories Of Them I Do Recall
And Happy Memories Of What Was The Best Memories Of All.
Francis Duggan