Genesis Is The Place To Start
To See We Were Always In His Heart
Jesus Was There In The Beginning
Even Before The World Started Sinning
He Was There At Earth’s Birth
And He Knew Then What We Were Worth
The Origin And Commencement Of His Love
Was Like The Gentle Cooing Of A Dove
He’ll Be With Us Throughout Infinity
We’ll Be With The Trinity
So If Your Looking For A True Foundation
Look To Jesus For Your Salvation
He’s The Opening That You Seek
And He Will Listen As You Speak
You Will Find Jesus To You Turning
At The Onset Of Your Yearning
He’ll Give You Your Heart’s Desire
And Your Love Is All He’ll Require
If You Don’t Believe Me Read His Book
For Me That Was All It Took
To Prove That He Cared For Me
And If You’ll Read It You Too Shall See
From The Outset Of Time
He Loved You No Matter What Your Crime
Victoria Dame