Its Flame Illuminating
Promises Showered Never To Let It Diminish
It Is Something Beyond Humans Unable To Extinguish
Life Is Just A Shadow Of That Flame That Burns Inside
A Magic Engulfed The Atmosphere
It Was Commitment Made
A Act Of Fate
A Force Divine
Beaming Sparks Enlightened The Souls
Effervescent Fireworks Brightened
The Nights Dark Folds
The Inner World Sparkled But No One Felt The Pain
The Magic Grew With Time
All Was Not In Vain
Unable To Contain This Magic Or Truth Disclose
Life Sparkled Like Dew Drops On A Rose
The Flame Is Weak
Relighting A Dying Flame
But Not Yet Dead
Feeling Lifeless Today
Looking At The World Without Being Able To Smile
Life Is Life
Tommorrow And The Next Day
Knowing Well To Burn Out This Flame Would Mean Death
Walking The Tight Rope Cautiously Towards Reality