I Gotta Get This Off Of My Chest,
Gotta Not Worry About The Rest
I Can-‘t Worry About Rejection,
I Must Think Of My One True Affection
I Gotta Let You Know It All Today;
I Gotta Let You Know How You Took My Breath Away
I Gotta Let You Know How You Stole My Heart,
And I-‘m Sorry That We Must Part
I Gotta Tell You Before I-‘m Gone;
I Gotta Tell You Before I Move On
This Is Something I Must Say Only To You;
This Is Something I Just Gotta Do
I Gotta Let You Know How I Feel;
I Gotta Let You Know That My Love Is Real
It-‘s Almost The End Of The Day,
And There-‘s Something I Just Gotta Say
I-‘m Sorry That I Have To Go Away But Before I Do
I Just Wanted To Say,
-ŗi Love You.-