I Came To Him One Evening
When I Was Lost In Life.
“Mistakes I’ve Made!” I Cried To He
“How Can I End This Strife?”

“My Son,” I Heard, “Have You Not Seen?”
And So I Looked Again.
Alas, I Saw, Shall Always See
That I Was Much Too Vain.
I Was Selfish And Full Of Pride;
I Tried To Do His Work.
And So He Helped Me Realize:
He’d Free Me From This Murk.
“Trust Just In Me!” His Answer Was,
“I Will Not Do You Wrong.
Too Long You’ve Strayed From The Right Path,
Too Long You’ve Been Headstrong.”
So I Gave It All: My Life, My Soul.
Entrusted It To He.
I’m Just One Man, But Not Alone;
He Knows What’s Best For Me.