Spawned Within Decaying Carcasses Of Dying Flies
Feasting Upon The Fetid Flesh Of The Obstinate
Lubricious, Slithering, Sly Force Ever Obdurate
Devouring Innocence With Poignant, Pernicious Lies
– Wake Up! –
Stare Unyielding Deep Into Your Fear’s Decree
Inhale It’s Reeking Breath; Feel It’s Acid Etched Caress
Foul Vitriolic Tongue Poisoning Subconsciousness
Crawl Inside The Vile Depths Of It’s Inane Soul; What Is It You See?
– Stand Up! –
Dare To Pierce The Horrid Monsters Blackend Heart
Claim Emancipation; Shed Thine Corrupted, Riddled Skin
For The Morrow Brings With It A New Dawn; Time To Begin
What Will Thy Do With The Precious Rare Gift Of A Fresh Start?
Mark Crane