Please do not dismiss me.
Or the approach,
I have chosen to get closer.
I am not professional at this.
But I could not simply sit…
And watch what I could not resist,
Up and go away!
Not if I can delay its parting.
Please do not dismiss me.
There is something about us,
Too familiar to ignore.
Your eyes and walk…
And patterns of speech.
When I hear you talk…
It feels as if I have known this before.
And when you speak,
It soothes.
With a calmness that attracts!
Please do not dismiss me.
My wishes for someone like you…
Recognizes what you have,
And I’m wanting more of that!
To achieve a happiness…
I know that would make us,
Joyfully glad!
Please do not dismiss me.
At least…
Let us spend a moment,
To allow you to discover me.
We belong together!
‘Why’ and ‘how’ that is,
Who knows?
But our meeting is no accident.
And I know that for a fact,
This has happened purposely.
Please do not dismiss me.
Look into my eyes.
Can’t you feel something inside of you…
That announces a ‘connection’ between us,
Has come to stay and has finally arrived?
Lawrence S. Pertillar