When I Write A Poem
I Fly And Land Over The Clouds
From There, Spell The Words That Feel
-Ë—till A Beautiful Rainbow Appears

When I Envision A Dream
I Stand Where The Last Stone Stood
My Eyes Are Scattered Unto The Vast Space Of The Sea
Where It Moves Freely, Till It Draws Reality
When I Pick A Flower
A Sense Of Touch Surrender
When The Smell Blows The Emotion, It Serenade My Heart
Till The Serendipity Of The Night, Pours The Rain
When I Love A Person
In His Eyes Shall I Recognize
The Man I Vow To Love
Whose Soul Will Reunite Mine
When I Utter A Prayer
Unto The Heaver, I Cast My Wishes
Let The Angel Hear What I Whisper
In My Palm, I Hold The Promise