We All Are Only Here On A Life’s Journey
A Journey That Will Have An End One Day
A Journey That For All Will Have An Ending
Whether We Travel Far From Home Or At Home Stay.
The Reaper Is The Champion Egalatarian
For He Treats Everybody As The Same
He Does Not Bow To President Or Monarch
Or Draw Distinctions Between Anonymity And Fame.

Humans Are Not That Different To Other Life Forms
Since We Too Are Only Born For To Die
The Woodlouse Who Hides Under A Stone In The Garden
In Many Ways No Less A Mortal Than I.
So Many People Weighted Down By Their Egos
Success Is A Thing That Can Go To The Head
But The Reaper Is The Renowned Egalatarian
You Will Not Find Any Egos Amongst The Dead.
We All Are Only Here On A Life’s Journey
A Journey For Us One Day That Must End
Till The Reaper Claims The Last Breath Of Life From Us
The Reaper To Equality A Friend.