The Maple Tree Has Embraced
The Colour Of Fire Gifted
By The Autumn Season-Â…
It Conquers The Eyes
And Invades The Heart-Â…!
Slowly It Strips Itself
And Allows Pieces Of Its Regal Dress
To Fall To Its Feet
Because It Knows That Every Heart
Has Its Special Pages Loved To Be Read-Â…
And Each Fallen Leaf Wants To Be
The Mute Witness Of That Moment,
Marking The Beloved Sheet Of Paper
To Help A Dream To Come Back
From Where It Had Been Left,
And To Rest Cradled Among Pages,
In Shelter From Rain And Wind-Â…
Not More A Mere Dead Leaf,
But A Sweet Gift Of Nature-Â…
It Seems To Be Alive With Pulsating Veins
Of A Well Known Hand
Whose Fragile Touch Caresses The Rhymes…
I Would Like To Be A Fallen Leaf
Picked Up By You At The Feet
Of A Autumn Denuded Tree-Â…!