I Came To The Eastern Valley’s
Hungry And Alone
Here I Met Two Others
Whose Goal Is Like My Own
The One Was A Powerful Snake
Who’s Level Head No Hardship Could Shake
The Other Was A Cat… Proud
Who Would Not Give Ground To Beast Or Shroud
I Was Then A Wolf
That Had Found His Pack
Together We Roamed The Valley
And There Once More We Encountered Our Foe
This Foe Is Hard To See
It Moves Within The Fire That Has Destroyed City’s
It Rushes Down With The Storm To Break Our Backs
In Moves Only In The Darkness
This Foe Is A Coward
Many Had Joined The Pack
To Be Ripped By This Monster Towards Another Track
So We Have Laid
Battered And Bruised
Using All Our Strength
To Run With Bared Fangs
At Our Foe Once More