I Am One Of Mugabe’s Street Men
I Cut Off The Feet Of Activist Wives
And Tie Up Children Of The Opposition
And Leave Them In Burning Houses To Die
I Am One Of Slobodan’s Tigers
I Nail Bosnian Men To Wooden Doors
And Rape Their Daughters And Wives On The Floor
I Get Good Press Coverage For That Manoeuvre

I Am One Of Heinrich Himmler’s Kapos
Herding Jew Cattle Into The Coffers
Filling The Ditches With Twisted Limbs
While Gold Teeth Are Pulled By My Underlings
I Am One Of Uncle Joe’s Investigators
Working Dark Hours In The Lubyanko
Extracting Every Tortured Confession
As If It Were The Gold Tooth Of State Secrets
I Am Ian Smith’s Police Overlord
Scorching The Earth Of Shona Villages
Smoking Out Liberation Vermin…
How Come You’re Looking So Surprised?
Can’t You Tell When You Meet A Smart Guy?
A Smart Man Always Works Both Sides
Yes, I’m High On Mugabe’s List
An Honoured Veteran Of His Service
We Pacified The Matabele In ’82
I’m Looking Out For My Pension Soon.