First Thing I Would Do Is Touch You There,
As You Run Your Fingers Through My Hair.
You Kiss Me When The Time Is Right,
You Swiftly Grab Me And Pull Me Tight.
Close To Your Body I Will Be,
As You Begin To Make Love To Me.
I Cannot Breathe, I Cannot Speak,
You Hold Me Cause My Knees Are Weak.
You Feel So Good Inside Of Me,
I Close My Eyes In Extasy.
You Hold Me Close, So I Can Hear,
You Whisper, You Love Me, Into My Ear.
You Slowly Move Me To The Floor,
It Feels So Good, I Can’t Take Much More.
Your Lips Touch My Body, I Begin To Shake.
Its Happening Now, I Am About To Break.
The Feeling Consumes Me In A Heated Rush,
I Finally Have What I’ve Wanted So Much.
Then I Wake Up, From My Cozy Warm Bed,
And Realize….It Was All In My Head.
by jmt27