What Is A Friend? A Single Soul Dwelling In Two Bodies.
Friendship With Oneself Is All Important, Because Without It One Cannot Be Friends With Anyone Else In The World.
The Better Part Of One’s Life Consists Of His Friendships
Friendship Is Love With Understanding.

With Clothes The New Are Best, With Friends The Old Are Best.
Friendship Multiplies The Good In Life And Divides The Evil.
True Friendship Is Like Sound Health, The Value Of It Is Seldom Known Until It Be Lost
A True Friend Is One Who Overlooks Your Failures And Tolerates Your Successes.
When A Friend Is In Trouble, Don’t Annoy Him By Asking If There Is Anything You Can Do. Think Up Something Appropriate And Do It.
A Friend Is One Who Knows Us, But Loves Us Anyway
The Language Of Friendship Is Not Words But Meanings.
The Greatest Healing Therapy Is Friendship And Love.
Friendships Begin Because, Even Without Words, We Understand How Someone Feels.
Friendship Improves Happiness, And Abates Misery, By Doubling Our Joys, And Dividing Our Grief.
Friendship Is Always A Sweet Responsibility; Never An Opportunity
One Of The Most Beautiful Qualities Of True Friendship Is To Understand And To Be Understood