Only you can make me feel
Loving you I know is real
Under all the pressure we have
You have a way of coming through
Even though we have concerns
My feeling for you are so strong
I never thought i could feel this way
Oh! how i wish i could have my way
Letting you go will be impossible to do
Unlike the past i know this is true
Wishing you could admit you feelings
All i want is to be with you
Dreaming of the next time i could see your face
Actions of mine will prove our fate
My life! i just can’t see without you in it
I know it seems strange
Loving someone who might not feel the same
Only god knows whats in store for us
Living in this world with you is all i want
After seeing how kind hearted you are
Only makes me want you more
Going in circles drives me insane
Ultimately i just can’t explain
Some might say I’m waisting my time
All i know is that you are worth the fight
Not knowing what the future may hold
You are someone i want in my life forever
Always thinking of you and me together
by nequialjoi‚Â