May I Write My Name
Upon Your Heart? Will You Give To Me
Just One Small Part Of You That I Might Call
My Own, Will You Remember Me
Like A Song?
A Song You-‘ve Sung
Since Your First Love, The Words That Flow
Within Your Blood, And Speak Of Love Lost
By The Young, Will You Think Of Me
In Colors Of Love?
The Color Red Of The Rose
You Gave Her, The Girl You Knew
You-‘d Love Forever, Who Comes To You
When Drink Is Heavy, Will You Want Me
When You-‘re Lonely?
On Empty Nights
When Dreams Are Real, When They-‘re
The Only Thing You Feel, They Haunt You
When The Morning Comes, Can
I Be The One You Dream Of?
If I Write My Name
Upon Your Heart, Will You Take
From Me Too Much
To Part With?
Will You Write Your Name On My Heart