I Reach Out To Touch You But You Aren-‘t There,
Your Pillow Is So Very Cold.
The Dinner I Made Sits Waiting For You,
Soon It Will Be Covered With Mold.
I Toss And Turn At Night Hoping You-‘re Safe,
It-‘s Tearing Me Apart.
I Wake At Night In A Sweat So Cold,
And An Aching In My Heart.
You Never Said There Was Something Wrong,
Now All Of A Sudden You-‘ve Left.
When I Swore That I-‘d Love You With All Of My Heart,
With My Soul And My Very Last Breath.
Even Though I Don-‘t Understand You,
I Could Never Turn My Back On My Baby;
For A Promise Made Is A Promise Kept,
And Only Loving You Can Save Me.
Someday You-‘ll Awaken To The Realness Of Life,
You-‘ll Understand That You Were So Wrong,
You-‘ll Realize The One You Need In Your Life
Has Been In Front Of You All Along