Hidden In Her Closet Stashed Behind Skirts And Dresses,
Are The Memories Of Things Her Heart Seldom Confesses.
For Secreted Within Her Closet In A Secluded Little Nook,
Is Where She Keeps Memories In Her Treasured Scrap Book.
She Glances At Its Pages, Special Times To Remember.
The Sweetness Of Past Love, Emotions Delicate And Tender.
Living On Its Pages Are Times Spent With Her Close Friends.
And When Love Gloriously Begins And When It Sadly Ends.
As She Flips Through The Book With Past Voices To He Calling,
She Remembers All Her Triumphs & Lost Opportunities Appalling. ?
Traveling Down Memory Lane, Knotted Feelings Soon Untie.
How She Adores These Trinkets Of Happy Days Gone By.
Gazing At These Yellowed Pages, Emotions She Exudes.
This Scrapbook Has A Power Over Her She Concludes.
For When It Is Melancholy That She Sometimes Feels,
A Journey To These Pages And Her Heart Magically Heals.
And So To You My Darling, This Poem I Now Give.
So That Away In Your Scrapbook I May Always Live.
cby frost1_2000‚Â