From Morning To Night
We Either Talk Or Text
Never Truly Running Out
Of Anything To Say
Sometimes I Just Want To Part
When We Hang Up For The Day
A Friend He Is
Only I Wish To Be His
This, I Believe, He Might Know
My Feelings Are Definitely Up For Show
At Home, Things Aren-‘t Quite
As They Seem
Sometimes It-‘s All Too Difficult
To Deal With, Or Understand
But Then That-‘s Life
And Always When He Calls
There-‘s My Smile
As Bright As The Sun Shines
To My Friends, They Think
Either I-‘m In Love Or Insane
In Love? That I Doubt, But Just Maybe.
Say I-‘m Insane? I Guess I Could Be
I Suppose I Should Be
If I Ever Thought That I Could Be
Just Possibly, In Love With He
Though I Know That-‘d Be Foolish Of Me
Confused I Am, But Worried I-‘m Not
For Which Ever It May Be
I Know I-‘ll Be As Silent As I Can Be
Only Cuz I Know, Or At Least Somewhat Sure
Even If I Am, He Loves Another, That-‘s Not Me
In Fact I-‘m Sure That We-‘re Very Different Indeed.
So Here I Sit As I Write This
Dreaming Of Just One Kiss
Isn-‘t It Always What You Want
That You Can Never Truly Have?
So A Friend He Is
Though I Want More, Friends I-‘ll Take
And Hope For My Own Sake
That Someday, I-‘ll Be Able
To See Him In A Friend-‘s Way