And Here Am I, Trying To Design On Paper
What By Now Is Engraved In The Soul,
Rooted In My Heart, And Carved In My Eyes.
Searching For You, Whenever I Tread Your Path
I Expect To Find You There Again With A Smile-Â…
As A Drowning One-‘s Want For Air Is My Wish
To Take A Breath Made Alive By Your Presence
But Instead, I Get To Breathe Only Your Absence.
At Times I Would Like To Be An Angel And
Possess Two Great Wings Under Which
To Hold You Warm When You Are Cold
And To Watch Over You When You Sleep,
Giving You A Caress While You Dream-Â…
You Are And You Will Always Be My Sap,
The Vital Essence That Flows In My Veins…
But By Now Your Heart Has Already Packed
The Suitcases Within Which You Have Put
In All Hurry The Pieces Of Our Love And
You Have Climbed On The First Rainbow
Directed Towards New Happiness-Â…a New Love.
Return Back My Love…!
Look Back For Only A Moment-Â…
Look In Mine Eyes Just Once More.
Give Me The Joy Of Your Reviving Look.
My Plea For Love Is You-Â…
My Only Reason Of Living Is You-Â…
Don-‘t Tell Me Goodbye-Â…my Love!
Please, Don-‘t Tell Me Goodbye!!!