A Tired Morn, A Worn Tyre
Travelled Far (Had Gazed On Stars)
Ate Lunch But Did Not See
What Was Really Eating Me; And
Thought About, And Then Thought Best
To Go Lie Down (Best Way To Rest?)
Thoughts Circled, Bluebottle Droned
Didn’t Bother To Answer Phone;

Sat In Garden, Flowers Glowed
They Knew It Seemed (But What Knowed?)
Parakeets Ate From Cherry Tree
Another Perched Looks On (Not Me?): And
Picked Up A Book Which Tried To Speak
I Read The Words (As If In Sleep)
They Said I Am Awake
But As I Dream I Wait My Fate; And
As A Dawn Of Subtle Light
As If Those Stars (Those Ones Last Night)
Shone Upon My Dismal State
I Knew It Never Is Too Late;