Times Change, Paths Change, Situations Change;
But There Is One Light Which Takes To The Same Destination.
People Climb Mountains Only To Find A Piece Of Stone Up There,
One Wise Man Told Me To Take A Piece Of Stone From The Bottom And Place It At The Top.
Stars Guide The Ships, The Sun Guides Time, Defeat Is Guided My Victory,
I Want To Guide The Birds And Make Them Learn To Fly.
Everything And Anything In This World Has A Destiny A Purpose;
Few Contribute The World By Being A Menace
I Would Like To Contribute To This World By Spreading The Knowledge Of Love And Care.
I Was Told That If I Was Really Thirsty Then God Himself Would Make It Rain On The Earth.
I Haven-‘t Been That Fortunate.
But To My Surprise Have Found An Ocean Beneath The Very Layer Of This Cold Gray Earth.
Today I Am Ready To Dig Into It; It May Take Me A Day, A Month, Or A Year.
But I Will Definitely Find A Source.