Their Black Wings
Followed Me
Night After
Perilous Night

Their Black Wings
Followed Me
Night After
Perilous Night
Was Their Call
A Black Mass –
A Rattling Rasp –
Of Brooding Thoughts!
They Were There
Perched Upon
An Empty Bough
Outside My Window
Upon An Ash Gray Tree
As They Screamed
Into The Night, Their Terror!
Until There Was A Deathly Silence
In The Spring
They Had Driven
The Song Birds
The Ones That Nested
In The Maiden
Green Hair
Of My Window Tree
Where The Sweet
Leaves Of Life
Once Had Hung
In The Lofty Wisp
Of A Springtime Breeze
Before They Screamed
Into The Night Of Terror
Until There Was A Deathly Silence
Ah, I Knew
It Was Ill
That They Should
Be There, Ever Present
Ugly As Sin
With Their Black
Wings Beating
Out A Litany Of Fear!
Shedding Tumult
And Darkness
Through My Life
From The Naked
Cursed Bough
Of The Ash Gray Tree
Where They Screamed
Into The Night, Their Terror!
Until The Only Thing Left Me
Was The Sound Of Their Deathly Silence
by Krizalid