The Cold The Summer
Both Explain How I’m Feeling
My Heart Freezes.
My Butterflys Weaken.
When Ii Hear Words From My Mum”s
Mouth Ii Dont Think You Have A School.
Makes Me Wanna De Inside.
Ii Really Hate This Whol Im Stuck In
Ii Cant Get Out.
And Ii Cant Fix It.!
Ii Am Whoo Ii Am.
And Im Not Needed Here.
Ii Just Wish That Ii Could
Get Out And Let My Emotions
Be Freee And So Ii Can Justt Diee.!
Ii Wanna Cut Befor Ii Go Too
Cams Tommorow,
So This Women Knows How Im Feeliing.!
But My Gf Is Comming With Me
What Too Doo, ’1
So Many Choices
So Cold And So Hot