Oh, Baby! It-‘s None Else, But I !
It-‘s Dark A Lot; And We Can-‘t See!
It-‘s Dark Or Light; Dear, We Are, We!
It-‘s Genderless Oneness Of Glee:
Here, Hardly Matters, She Or He!
Let Senses Wake! And, Shed The Shy!
Oh, Baby! It-‘s None Else, But I!!
You-‘re Frightened? Hold Me Fast, And See:
How Comfortable Are, Then, We!!
These Fears And Hesitations Swell:
Making One-Self Plainly Unwell!
Let-‘s Rise From Sleep: With Senses High!
Oh, Baby! It-‘s None Else But I!
You-‘re, Even, Not Normal, In Dreams?
My Future May Not Shine; It Seems?
Though, There Are, Often, Some Sweet Gleams!
Long Back: I Had Lost All My Creams!
But, Your Eyes Make Me: -Ë—live And Try-‘!
Oh, Baby! It-‘s None Else, But I!
It-‘s All Blooming, Blossomed And Sweet!!
Those Places Invite Us, To Meet!
It Seems, You Have Not Sensed The Heat?
This Sweat In Palms: Is A Hopeful Treat!
This Closeness, Speaks A Lot: Let-‘s Hear!
This Closeness: Keeps Us Far From Fear!
Share Experiences; With Me Bear!
Drink Love! It-‘s Wine Immortal, Dear!
Tell Me Now: Where Appears, A Why?
Oh, Baby! It-‘s None Else, But I!!