Look, Your Silence Might Break My Heart!
Tell, What Dwells In Your Mind As Such;
And, Why Those Shadows Are There For?
Your Face Shows Weariness, At-Large!
Let-‘s Talk; And Find, Where Stands The Door!
I Can-‘t Watch You, Suffering Lonely:
Look, Your Silence, Might Break My Heart!
See, Birds Are Singing For Their Loves;
And, Plants Are Nodding Their Welcomes!
Watch How, All Living Ones, Swiftly,
Are Moving Fast, Now; For Their Homes!
Whyn-‘t, You Too, Rise For The Festival?
You-‘re, Also, Quite Sprightly And Smart!
Look, Your Silence May Break My Heart!
Trees Are Smarting, With New Pink Leaves!
That Male Bird, For His Sweet-Heart, Weaves
A Sweet Neat Home, On A Nice Firm Branch;
Midst Lots Of Sun, Midst Lots Of Shades!
Whyn-‘t You Also, Take Your Firm Hold;
On Your Own Partner? My Sweet‚Â-Heart!
Look, Your Silence Might Break My Heart!
Our Days Are Numbered; Life Moves Fast!
These Moments, Soon Drop-Down In Past!
If, False Didactics You-‘ll Shed Out:
What Yet We-‘re Left With, Is Quite Vast!
Don-‘t Shy, Speak-Out Your Heart, As Such;
Or, Let, Only Your Eyes Now Talk!
Let Lips Stay Shut, For Some More Time;
Our Jerky Car, Shall Smoothly Start!
Look, Your Silence Might Break My Heart!