I think I finally did it
accomplished what I have always needed to do
I’m not saying that I regret what I’ve done
but I’ve always known its time to move foreward
I can’t go on fooling around
knowing he wants me to be his bootay call
I want to be friends, well hope to be friends
friends that are there for each other
through thick and thin not in sexual ways
When I was with him I was always quiet and submissive
I never communicated what I wanted or what I didn’t want
I didn’t want to show him that I really wanted it
Finally I turned everything around
I told him that I wanted him, told him what he was to do to me
this has finally worked for me
he thinks oh crap she really does want me
I think I scared him, wondering what he should do
I just want to show him his marriage should be important to him
not spend his time playing around with me.
Things seem to be changing, I think for the better
if it means I won’t see him, in order to do what is right
I will do what it takes, cause I need to make this right
Mowie DeCorp