I Stand And Gaze At The Face In The Mirror,
As Events Of My Life Now Seem A Bit Clearer.
For The Most Difficult Person To Fully Understand,
Is The One Whose Image I Now See At Hand.
In My Heart There Is An Unexplored Special Place.
I Retreat There Within When I Find I Need Space.
And In That Heart Also There Lies A Secret Door.
The Key To My Emotions I Shall Now Underscore.
My Natural Defenses Keep My Heart-‘s Door Shut Tight.
But It So Easily Opens With A Woman At Night.
Enrapturing Thoughts And Foolish Sentimentality,
And The Alluring Mystery Of A Woman-‘s Sensuality.
The Smile Of A Woman Is My Heart-‘s Inspiration.
As I Kiss Her All Over With Sincerest Adulation.
Deep Wells Of Emotion Masked Behind Lovely Eyes.
We Fall Into The Others Arms As No Pleasure She Denies.
The Image Of Her Face Is Seared Deeply In My Mind.
Consumed By Her Spell I Leave The Cold World Behind.
No Longer Hidden Is My Heart-‘s Secret Door.
For Her Bewitching Enchantment I Cannot Ignore.
We Then Passionately Kiss, And We Both Begin Moaning.
All Desires Satisfied On This Eve In The Gloaming.
A Woman Is My Weakness, My Passion And Delight.
All Is Lost In Our Lovemaking On A Hot Steamy Night.
Even Though There Is A Hidden Door To My Heart,
A Woman Can Open It And Explore Every Part.