I Didn’t Know It Was A Farewell
Till I Saw That Little Star From You
I Didn’t Know That You Would Vanish
Till It All Started To Perish
I Was Alone In That Scary Night
I Was Alone And I Was Afraid
I Didn’t Know How To Break The Silence
Till A Music Made Its Lyrics
I Never Thought It Could Be Like This
Never Thought That It Was A Night Of Sorrows And Weeps
I Never Thought I Was So Lonely
Never Felt Before Like This Your Absence
At Last The Night Lifted
And I Saw Again Stars From Your Eyes
I Never Thought It Would Happen So Fast
Never Thought You Would Stand There Like That
The Stars Shone Again But With Your Unmoved Image
I Never Thought It Was Like This
Never Thought They Were My Own Tears
All What I Thought Was That You Would Come Out
Taking Those Tears And Bringing Me Stars
But The Stars I Thought, Hid Beside The Night’s Scary Clouds
Those Clouds That Came, Pouring Down The Tears