Drowning In Love,
My Blessed Heart,
Is Falling,
Sucked Down Into This Tunnel,
This Tunnel,
Of Needing You,
Of Wanting You, Always,
Here In My Arms,
Every Moment,
Love, The Drug,
The Only Drug,
That’s Ever Sucked Me In.
Do I Want Healthy Love?
I Want To Love You,
Like The War Is On,
And You May Never See Me Again.
It’s The Only Way That I Know How To Love.
Don’t You Want Me?
Don’t You Need Me, Every Waking Moment?
If Not, I Think I Will Die,
My Heart Will Cry Out,
Will Cease To Beat.
I Was So Zen,
But Was I Ever Really Zen?
My Practice Feels Non-Existent.
I Have No Time.
But If I Had Time,
I’d Have No Money.
With No Money,
Comes No Home,
And No Love.
Will The Circle Continue Unbroken?
Can I Find A Way Out Of This Trap?
Does Life Ever Get Less Complicated?
It’s All So Simple,
But I Make It All So Hard.
Just In Some Moments,
Then Back To Simple Again.
But You Know,
If It Were Easy, Which It Is,
And I Never Cared For You,
Which Is What Makes It Hard,
Then Not Only Would I Have No Love,
But I Would Have No Song,
No Poem,
No Verse,
No Painting,
No Blessed Moonlight Thoughts.
God Is Watching,
Smiling At His Stupid Child,
Who Never Learns,
Never Grows Up.