Do You Ever Feel Like You Just Can’t Go On?
Do You Ever Feel Like Your Soul Has Lost It’s Song?
Do You Ever Feel Like Everything You Try To Do Right, Comes Out Wrong?
I Think Everybody Has Those Days, When Nothing Is Going Their Way
When The Hole You Dug Yourself Has Gotten Way Too Deep.
And All You Want To Do Is Go To Sleep…
But Know… God Is There!
God Is There Through Your Heartache.
God Is There When Your Earth Shakes.
God Is There When Your Future Looks Bleak.
God Is There When You Just Can’t Even Speak.
God Will Wipe Away The Tears You Have Shed Through The Years.
God Will Pick Up The Pieces Where You Gave Up.
God Will Overflow Your Cup!
Don’t Lose Your Song, Just Know It Won’t Be Long, Till You See Him Face To Face In A Place Of Never Ending Grace