Cry At Night Holding Myself Tight
Telling Me It Will Be Okay Keep Telling Me
Happiness Will Come My Way I Reach Out My Hand
But No One Takes It And No One Cares..
Hurt It Hurts Inside I Try Not To Cry
I Try To Hide But My Heart Is Aching
My Soul Is Breaking And No One Knows
And No One Cares.‚  Pain Deep In My Soul
Pain Plays The Biggest Role Every Day
And Every Night Pain Is Walking By My Side
And No One Sees It And No One Cares..
Soon Soon I Will Walk Out This Door
Leave Behind The Pain And Sore
Say Good-Bye To Family And Friends
Who Will Not Even Cry I Will Run Away
Run Till I Find A Place To Stay
North South East Or West
Believe Me It’s For The Best
No One Will Miss Me No One Cares