As One Might Have Heard
There Is A Musical Group
Who I Love And Adore
And They Are Known As The Backstreet Boys
People Tell Me That I Am Too Old
To Like Such A Group
They Say That The Backstreet Boys Are For Children
Who Are About Nine Years Old
But In My View,
I Can Like Who I Choose
Is It True That I Can-‘t Like The Backstreet Boys
Because They Are For Young Teenagers?
No, Of Course Not
I Make My Own Choices
Nobody Can Tell Me What Music I Listen To
Or What Songs That I Sing From My Favorite Groups
But Why Do I Like The Backstreet Boys?
There Are Many Reasons Why
One, They Are Filled With Great Talent
And Two, I Like The Music That They Sing
Is That All I Like Them For?
Nope, That-‘s Not All
I Respect Them For Their Individuality
And For Their Love Of Their Career
The Backstreetboys Have Faced Many Hardships
While Pursuing Their Career
I Respect Them For Their Strength And Courage
That They Have To Carry On
Why Do The Backstreet Boys Get Ditched So Much?
This I Don-‘t Know But Know They Do Not Deserve
All They Want To Do Is Sing
And Make Us Fans Happy
First There Is Kevin,
With His Hair So Brown
And His Bushy Eyebrows
What-‘s Not To Love About Kev?
Then There Is Howie
He Is Soo Sweet
He Shows Much Love To His Fans
And Would Never Hurt A Soul
Now There Is Brian
With His Angelic Voice
That Anyone Can Hear
From One Thousand Miles Away
And What About Aj
He Is Strong And Does Not Let Anything Get In His Way
He Knows What He Wants And When He Wants It
And Knows Not To Let Negativity Get Into His Head
Lastly, There Is Nick
A Man That Everyone Sees As Soo Hot
But Nick Is Just A Normal Individual
Just Like You And Me
Why Do People Treat The Bsb As They Are Not Normal?
The Bsb Are Five Normal People
Who Are Working Their Job
Just Like Any Other Working Person
I Know I Have Much Love For The Backstreet Boys
Even Though My Family Argues With Me For Listening To Them
I Have Been Inspired To Pursue My Goals
And Let Nobody Get Into My Way
Thank You Kevin, Thank You Howie
Thank You Brian, Thank You Aj
And Thank You Nick For Being Yourselves
And Helping Me Decide Who I Want To Be
You Guys Have Taught Me Soo Much
You Taught Me To Love As I Have Never Done Before
And You Taught Me To Be Who I Am
And Not Hide Inside Of My Body
So What Is Fame?
Is It Being In The Spotlight
Or Is It Being A Role Model
To Me Fame Is Believing In Yourself
And Helping Others Along Their Way
The Spotlight, The Fans, And The T.V.
Are Just A Form Of Fame
But No Matter How You Define Fame
Your Wishes And Desires As Well As Mine Will Stay In My Head As Your Fame
Thank You, For Believing In Yourselves And Helping Me Believe Who I Am