An Elder Tree Is Aching And Has Amputated Limbs
Remaining Branches Are Resilient And Strengthen
Beneath… Green Grass Slowly Withers From Thirst
Days Shorten As The Drought Continues To Lengthen
Next To The Driveway A Row Of Lilies Forms A Border
Defining The Property Line With A Lovely Aroma
Not As Vibrant As Usual-Â…leaves Are Beginning To Yellow
Blossoms Swelter Limply And Are Drifting Into A Coma
Many Years Have Passed Since The Plants Were Transported
Setting Roots Into The Ground And Growing Energetically
Separating Ownership-Â… Not Intrusively Or Rudely Defiant
Like A Cyclone Fence-Â…maintaining Harmony Aesthetically
My Loving Neighbor Planted These Hardy Lilies With Care
Now She Is Gone-Â…and The Lilies No Longer Get Her Attention
It-‘s A Shame To Ignore Their Longing To Give Perpetual Beauty
Water Flows From My Garden Hose -Â…reviving Perfection