You Feel The World’s Against You Your Car Has Broken Down
Way Out There In The Country Miles From The Nearest Town
You Sit There In The Driver Seat Your Head Bowed Against The Wheel
Thinking To Yourself I’d Be Better Off Dead This Is How Low You Do Feel.

No Mobile Phone Service In The Area You Are Stuck Miles From Anywhere
Nothing Going Right For You Lately Life For You Is Unfair
But A Tiny Voice Within You Tells You To Hang In There
This Not A Major Setback The Car You Can Repair.
Stuck On A Country By Road As Night Is Setting In
You Feel The World’s Against You Of Late You Cannot Win
Not Even A Farmhouse Is Nearby The Nearest Town Is Far
For You Tonight Will Be A Cold One You Must Sleep In Your Car.
Few Cars Pass On This By Road And None At All At Night
But A Tiny Voice Within You Says It Will Be All Right
Sometime Tomorrow Morning A Car Will Come Your Way
And The Driver Will Stop To Help You And Things Will Be Okay.
Francis Duggan