With Love In Eyes And Smile On Face,
I Use To Run In A Beautiful Race,
The Race Of Love The Race Of Passion,
Brings Me Glory Brings Me Succession.
You Looked At Me In Such A Desire,
I Know Your Heart Really Admire,
Just Look One More Time With Love,
My Heart Is As Pure As A Dove.
Alone I Am For Such A Long Time,
Just Waiting For You To Give A Rhyme,
A Rhyme To Chant, A Rhyme To Sing,
A Rhyme To Love, A Rhyme To‚  Bring.
Never Ge My Emotions To Hurt,
Always Being In My Heart,
Gave Me A Reason To Flow,
Bringing Me A Beautiful Glow.
This Is For Those Who Love,
Someone For Whom They Strive,
Whose Smile Can Make You Die,
Whose Heart Can Bring You Life.