When The Sun Is Bright I Know You Are Outside
Its Light Will Spread Your Beauty Worldwide
When The Stars Are Dim I Know You Are Outside
They Are Jealous Of The Twinkle Your Eyes Provide

When The Rain Stops I Know You Are Outside
Its Gloominess And Your Beauty Shall Not Collide
I Know You Are Outside When The Wind Is Blowing Gently
The Air Will Flow Through Your Hair Intently
When The Air Is Fresh I Know You Are Near
Your Perfection Will Make It To Go Clear
When There Is Peace Around Me I Know You Have Smiled
Your Blissful Spirit Inspires The World And Tames The Wild
When The Clouds Have Gathered I Know You Are Crying Here
Your Natural Beauty Causes The Earth To Shed Its Tear
I Know You Are Happy When The Weather Is At Its Best
The World Celebrates With You Having No Rest
When Nature Plays I Know You Let Out A Laugh
The World-‘s Joy Spreads On Your Behalf
When You Are Asleep Nature Watches And Waits
The World Guards Over You In Helpless States
When Trees Sag And Nature Is Pale, I Know You Are Ill
Nature Sacrifices Its Health For You At Its Free Will