When I Am In My Most Painful Moment
Will You Be There?
Will You Hold Me In Your Warm Arms
And Let My Tears Soak Up Your Shirt?
Will You Comfort Me
As My Head Will Rest On Your Supporting Shoulder?
Will You Drop Little Kisses On My Forehead
Like A Good Friend Always Does In Bad Times?
I Already Know The Answer-Â…yes-Â…you Will-Â…
As You Have, Forever, Always Have
And Now, When Death Awaits At My Door, Will You Be There?
Will You Be There, And Look Down On My Lifeless Body?
Will You Cry When You See That I Am No Longer Here?
I Will Be Dressed In A Shroud Of Pure White
The Funeral Home Will Have Done A Good Job,
Making Me Look Like An Angel
As All The Mourners Will Pass By My Coffin,
I Wish For You To Be There-Â…among Them
Will Your Eyes Brim With Fat Tears
As You Gaze At My Dead Countenance?
Will You Long To Look Deep Into My Eyes,
Knowing That They Will Have Closed Forever?
Will You Long To Feel My Lips,
Knowing That They Will Be Cold Forever?
Will You Bear To See Me Taken Away From You
Just To Be Buried In This Cold, Cold Earth?
And As My Body Will Slowly Begin To Decompose,
Will You Visit My Grave Often, Still Loving Me? Will You Still Be There?