We Started Off Trembling
Unsure Of What
Laid Ahead Of Us
Never Dared To Hope
That It Would Last
I Always Kept My Eyes Closed
For A Minute Or Two
When I Woke Up
Wondering If You’d Be There
When I Opened Them
After A While We Grew Accustomed
To Each Other
To What We’d Made
Of Our Feelings
Of Our Love
Yet I Never Said Forever
Never Even Said Tomorrow
And I Made You Promise
To Not In Beforehand Expect
What Was To Come
Made You Think Of Us
As A Temporary Substitute For Something
Else, Something Different
Forced You To Repeat The Sentence
‘Love Is Only Now’
Like A Mantra In Your Head
And How I Told Myself That
It Was The Truth,
That We Could Never Rely
On The Chemical Reaction Between Us
Because I Was Supposed
To Be Rational, Logical
I Couldn’t Act Like The NaƒÂ¯ve
That I Was
So When It Ended
What Hit Me The Hardest
Wasn’t That Our Love Had Faded
But That I’d Actually Thought
It Never Would