The Chink Of Glass Bottles
And A Blatant Lie.
Raised Fists Mean Nothing
When Disgust Follows Closely.
Old Habits Die Hard
By Way Of A Flinch.
A Bottle Is A Weapon
In More Ways Than One,
Look At It Logically.
An Injection Of Fear
Is Something To Get Used To.
When Faced With Anger
Stemmed From Nowhere At All,
Its Hard To Build Courage
With No Tools At Hand.
Age Is No Indication Of Wisdom
That Much Is Clear.
You Can Build An Army
Of Wine Bottles
And Beer Cans
If You Like.
Your Choice Really.
Raised Fists Mean Nothing
When You Can Barely Stand.
Your Eyes Glaze Over
While You Slur
-ŗf***Ing Bi**H-.
Locked Doors Mean Nothing,
I Became Well Acquainted With The Window.
And The Fence.
Raised Fists Mean Nothing
When Forced To Tell Lies
So There-‘s An Excuse To Yell
As Though Someone Has Misbehaved.
Raised Fists Mean Nothing
When Friends See The Bruises
And New Shoes For School
Is Fiscally Impossible.
Stale Breath Brings About Queasiness
And Feelings Of Disgusted.
Have You Ever Smelt The Breath Of An Alcoholic?
Duped Into Believing Nothing
Is Worth More Than Self,
Duped Into Believing Accuracy Is Not An Option.
Raised Fists Mean Nothing
When The Doctor Says Depression
And The Cause Is Obvious.
Raised Fists Mean Nothing
When I Can Finally Say
You No Longer Scare Me