Tell, This Your Love Seeks, No Favours
I Can Not Dream, That, So Was It?
Our Loves Are Pure! Our Minds Are Fit
Full Care We Take Of Each Of Us
We-‘ve Entered Eden, Sans Exit
Our Favours Are Mutual, Dear Me
Tell, This Your Love: ‘Seeks, No Favours-‘
We-‘re Each For Us! These Clouds, We Own
Bright Strikes, And Thundering Louds, We Own
This World Is Largely Meant For Us
The Skies We Own! These Shrouds, We Own
Why Shall We, Then, Beg For Favours
Tell, This Your Love: -Ë—seeks, No Favours-‘
We Give! We Take! Where Are Left-Outs?
Where Is The Business, For The Nasty Touts?
We-‘re Proud Of Us! And, Our Pure Love
We-‘re Full Of Health; Though Full Of Bouts
Our Minds Are Broad! Our Doors Are Wide
Here, Dwells Plain Light; Should That We Hide?
Whom, Should We Call For Help, Tell Me?
That Sun, That Moon, Are On Our Side
We-‘re Satiated! We-‘re Full! Ensure
And Tell, -Ë—this Love: Seeks, No Favours-‘
Well, Where Is That Fear,‚  He Has So Talked About?
Those, Who Were Afraid: Are, Well, Already Out
We-‘re At Our Own; With A Faith Stubborn
We-‘ll Stand As Such! We-‘re Our Own Clout
We-‘re Masters Of Ourselves, En-Tout
Tell, This Our Love: Seeks, No Favours-‘