Since You Came In My Thoughts, My Life Shines Like Sunshine
Its The Magic Of Yours That-‘s Everywhere, Oh Yes! You Are Now Mine
As The Sun Shine Through The Dark Forests, Spreads Its Light
You Made My Life Bloom Too, Be With Me Always, Never I Want To Loose Your Sight.
The Sunshine Gives Everyone A New Day And A New Hope For Life
Be My Friend Always In Darkness, Without You Life Seems To Be Strife
I Dream Myself And You In Imagination, Sitting And Watching The Sunshine And Sunset,
Looking Deep Into Each Others Eyes, Oh! The Earth With You Seems So Divine!
Today With You, I Can Hear The Fine Tunes Of This -ŗmusical Sunshine-
Happiness Has Spread Everywhere, In Our Hearts, Please Be With Me And Always Be Mine!