On This Train Of Life
A Ray Of The Sun Slips Through My Fingers,
I Can Feel The Heat Of It,
I Can Odorize Its Perfume
But I Cannot Make It My Own,
For It Doesn’t Belong To Me
It Is Here Of Passage Like Me-Â…, On This Train
Where Past – Present – Future Mix Themselves.
A Past That Stings My Heart With Memories
Of So Many Pierced Through-Â…
A Present That I Feel Not Lived-Â…
Yet This Ray Of Sun Affirms That
The Future Will Cancel What Has Been,
There Will Be Hope Reviving And
From A Bramble A Rose Will Be Born .
Ray Of Sun-Â…for An Instant Sit Nearby Me
In This Wagon That Goes-Â…
Embrace Me And Whispers To My Silences
Where Loneliness Rules For So Long-Â…
Embrace Me Up To When
Dreams Won’t Frighten Me Anymore-Â…