Look-Â… Across The Night Sky,
How Graceful It Falls.
It Leaves Behind A Trailing Glow
And To My Heart It Calls.

“Come Catch Me!
Come Catch Me If You Can!
But Be Forewarned, You’ll Travel Cross
Many A Strange Land.
For Mine’s A Long And Gentle Fall
And Will Carry Me Far Away.
You’ll Not Reach Me In The Night,
Nor In The Coming Day.
But Try My Friend, To Follow Me
And Meet Me Where I Land.
For Should You Reach Me Soon Enough,
To You I’ll Give My Hand.”
Those Words Ring True Within My Ears.
I Know The Star Speaks Well,
I Set Out To Go Rescue Her,
Or In Trying Be Damned To Hell.
Her Arch Seems Long And Aims Beyond
The World I Once Knew Well.
Yet Each And Every Day I Follow
Over Mountain, Hill And Dell.
The More I Follow The More I View
The Beauty She Tries To Hide.
Though She Believes I’ll Stop The Chase
To Her My Soul Is Tied.
Each Day Her Fall Grows Steeper
And My Footing Grows More True.
I Shall Be Waiting For Her
When Her Journey Is All Through.
And When The Time Arrives,
Perhaps Outside A Sleepy Town.
The Star Will Fall Softly In My Arms,
And I’ll Gently Lay Her Down.
So Soft And Warm She’ll Seem To Be.
Her Soul Will Be Touching Mine.
No Greater Love Can I Feel
My Heart Does Beat With Thine.