It-‘s Late At Night And I Can-‘t Fall Asleep
I-‘m Thinking Of You And How Did We Meet
After Spending Five Year Suffering From Lies And Deceit
You Walked Into My Life To Save Me In A Way So Discreet
I Noticed You From The Moment I Saw Your Eyes
My Heart Urged Me To Talk To You But My Mind Decided Otherwise
Two Years Have Past Since, I Said Goodbye To My Sad Cries
For Now You Know How I Truly Feel About Your Sleepy Eyes

You Wouldn-‘t Believe What It Means To Me To Hear You Say
-ŗi Like You Too And I Hope We Can Continue This Way-
I Then Heard A Melody, In Your Hands I Was Clay
You-‘ve Unfrozen My Heart But It-‘s My Friends Who I Fear To Betray
I Hate Doing Things In Secret I-‘m An Open Book For All
But This Case Is An Exception There Are Too Many Fingers Poking Our Wall
If They Were Few We Could Have Stood Tall
But We Both Know That Their Numbers Will Make Us Fall
I Don-‘t Have The Luxuries That Other Guys Have And Own
All I Have To Give Is My Puny Heart And A Future So Unknown
You Deserve To Be Happy And Have The Fanciest Cologne
I Can-‘t Give You What I Don-‘t Have I Know It-‘s Not Shown
You Once Told Me That The Ball Is In My Court
That I-‘m The One To Decide Whether To Take The Risk Or Abort
But Now That You Know My Problem, The Decision-‘s For You To Report
I Know We Can Be Happy, But I Have To Know If I Have Your Support