In A Cool Dark Sealed Chest
Is A World Of Growing Alterations
Extending Beyond Human Reach
Digressing Into Strange Mutations
Time Is A Transforming Magician
Creating New Appearances-Â…
Flavorful Foods Become Tainted
Ghastliness Starts An Emergence
When Was It That We Had This Last?
Spaghetti And Meatballs With Sauce
Have Furry Clusters That Are Not Purring
Yuck-Â…quickly Scrape It Out And Toss
How Did This Delicacy Of Blueberry Jam
Become A Crystallized Mass Of Gunk
Unlikely To Budge With A Bent Spoon
A Stubborn Clump -Â…in A Solid Hunk
Here Is Something That Once Was Green
Crunchy And Mouthwateringly Supreme
It Is Now A Mass Of Brown Formless Fright
Its Demise Could Cause A Jolting Scream
A Gallon Of Milk-Â… Nearly Half Gone
Sniff To See If It’s Okay-Â…it Ain-‘t-Â…
Doubts Are Confirmed With A Gag
Poured Down The Drain At Arms Length
‘If In Doubt Throw It Out-Â…’ Is A Motto
To Be Remembered When Appraising
Take Inventory Diligently And Frequently
Remove The Revolting Things You Are Raising