I wrote this poem for you today
Probably the last of it’s kind
For deep inside my soul I know
You truly will never be mine
The words you once inspired
Now linger in forgotten dreams
The feelings once abundant
No longer important it seems
My heart to you I handed
Hoping yours would in turn find me
But that was a dreamer dreaming
For things that were not meant to be
I waited as the years did passed me
In hope that your love would grow
Praying that it would somehow find me
Longing for its warmth to know
Now standing here before you
My heart somehow returned
Thinking of the journey we’ve taken
And pondering the lessons I’ve learned
Love is always best given
For it should never be locked up inside
The happiness that it brings us
Out weighs the tears we cry
The kiss that forever lingered
And danced within my thoughts
Has slowly found its way
To my memory’s deep dark vaults
The door that love once opened
Has been closed for you and me
And with its final closure
Has somehow set me free

by ImScott